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Mission Statement
The Rat Assistance & Teaching Society (RATS) helps to educate pet care professionals about the proper care and treatment of pet rats.
About This Cause
Did you know that veterinarians are taught almost nothing about the special health care needs of pet rats in veterinary school? Or that most humane societies and animals shelters refuse to take in pet rats whose owners can't keep them any more? Where are these poor pets supposed to go? Did you know that most rats and mice sold in pet shops are meant for snake food? These animals usually are poorly bred, poorly cared for and receive little socialization and handling making them afraid of people. We work to improve life for these misunderstood animals who are just as smart, personable and affectionate as dogs. We send free booklets on rat health care to veterinary students and advertise this resource in a veterinary magazine. We buy ads in pet trade magazines to educate pet shop personnel about the true needs and potential of rats, and we encourage shelters to properly house and adopt pet rats. With so many negative myths about rats out there we need all the help we can get!