SEATTLE, Washington, 98112-3313 United States

Mission Statement

Soul Care Seattle exists to provide care and nurture for those who are wounded by the church, questioning their faith, and those experiencing a desire to grow deeper in faith. All are welcome! We have a specific desire to accompany those often excluded by the church, including the LGBTQ+ community and those suffering from addiction.

About This Cause

Soul Care Seattle @ The Layne is an accompanyment ministry. The Layne is a home on Seattle's Capitol Hill that has been dedicated as an "urban retreat house" - a safe, quiet, and restful place where people are free to explore their relationship with God and with self in solitude or community. A hallmark of our ministry is that we opperate solely by donation, no one is turned away based on ability to pay. All are welcome! As an "accompanyment ministry" we seek to meet all who come to us at the place where they find they are in their spiritual journey. Through retreats (in solitude or community), classes, or groups we come along side people - holding their pain, hopes, fears, and experiences in prayer. In addition to caring for all people, we have a special desire to come alongside the LGBTQ+ community; a community that has been deeply wounded by the church. We also specialize in care for those who have deep, unsettleing questions about the faith they were raised in and what they now see to be true. This is an especially painful and disortienting journey to learn to trust - leaving behind what was broken in hopes for something new. We also believe t.hat pastors and leaders have very few places to turn for their own spiritual care. Our Leadership retreats help pastors and staff engage their work from a framework of rest and belovedness rather than a framework of exhaustion and fear. For more information, please visit our website:

1252 16Th Ave E
SEATTLE, Washington 98112-3313
United States
Phone Dan Huie
Unique Identifier 371912581