WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 20004-1481 United States

Mission Statement

TMCF is the only national organization representing America's 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and their nearly 300,000 students. TMCF's mission is to ensure student success by promoting educational excellence and preparing the next generation of workforce talent through leadership development.

About This Cause

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) was created in 1987 to continue the U.S. Supreme Court’s first African American Justice Thurgood Marshall's legacy of keeping education accessible for all Americans. Initially started to provide scholarships to students attending America’s 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), TMCF expanded its portfolio of services to include leadership and professional development for students and capacity building support for member-schools. To date, TMCF has awarded over $500 million to support education at our member-schools. HBCUs have a 150-year tradition of playing a pivotal role in educating African-Americans and minorities, where they find a community of other students who are low-income (over 72% of HBCU students) and/or first-generation (over to 52% of HBCU students). Comprising only 3% of America’s colleges, HBCUs produce half of all black teachers and award a disproportionate amount of bachelor's degrees in fields like biology, math and computer science. HBCUs are among the country’s top producers of undergraduates going on to earn doctorates in science and engineering, and over 80% of all students enrolled in HBCUs attend TMCF member-schools. These facts make TMCF uniquely positioned to identify and address the critical gaps all along the education pipeline, and to successfully fill those gaps with strategic initiatives that make the greatest impact. College completion is TMCF’s first focus area. Rising college costs place higher education out of reach for an increasing number of Americans. Indeed, 97% of students attending TMCF member-schools seek some type of financial aid to underwrite their college education. Nationally, without financial support 1 in 3 college freshmen drop out of school before their second year, and for first-generation students, the rate is this 90%. TMCF provides the critical support to ensure these students achieve their degrees, resulting in 97% of TMCF scholarship recipients complete their degrees. The total average cost of attending an HBCU as verified by the financial aid offices is $31,631.73, and the average total amount of government and institutional grant aid that students receive, as verified by financial aid offices, is $10,732.03 – leaving an unmet need of close to $21,000 per student for the 2021-22 academic year. Students must secure additional funding to cover their expenses. TMCF is able to help only a fraction of HBCU students that have this outstanding need and apply for scholarships – typically around 10% of all applicants. HBCUs are engines of social justice transformation: - 70% of public HBCU graduates entering the middle class permanently - HBCU students have 35% better health outcomes than their non-HBCU peers Each TMCF scholarship that leads to a college degree translate into a $1 million average impact per student in lifetime earnings, according to the Pew Charitable Trust. TMCF knows that college completion alone is not enough. Justice Marshall said, “Everything in any question of education depends on the reputation of the school.” Understanding this, TMCF’s second focus area is to work actively to improve all institutional functions at our 47 member-schools – from student relations to fiscal responsibility to institutional advancement to teaching. TMCF transforms both the students and the schools they attend. With the majority of Black teachers graduating from TMCF member-schools, our third focus area is ensuring quality education prior to college. Through our Teacher Quality and Retention Program (TQRP), TMCF trains and supports aspiring and new teachers who will teach in predominantly minority schools and inspire the next generations of scientists, engineers, mathematicians and innovators. TQRP strategically engages aspiring teachers in their last two years of college – to prepare them to succeed – and new teachers in their first three years, when more than 50% of leave the classroom. TMCF trains teachers to utilize technology in the classroom, along with pedagogical techniques that transform the learning process. While a primary focus is on STEM teachers, TQRP has a special track to build a pipeline of male teachers – important role models for young men and boys in school. With our vision “Changing The World … One Leader At A Time,” TMCF’s fourth focus area identifies and cultivates students with leadership qualities. At the center of this effort, TMCF's Leadership Institute brings together top-tier member-school students to provide a first-hand professional development experience. Integrating soft skill predictive analytics, such as the GALLUP StrengthFinder Assessment tool and others, TMCF provides career coaching and preparation. As part of this intensive four-day conference, students participate in a recruitment fair, where major employers from all sectors can meet top talent from TMCF publicly-supported HBCU member-schools. Through this process, TMCF facilitates opportunities that neither the student nor the employer might otherwise have. Students immediately see the benefit of this experience, and employers are eager to reach out to our diverse student population. Justice Thurgood Marshall acted in his time to build a better future. In the same way, TMCF’s current programs build today to ensure a better tomorrow. With our core program focus areas, TMCF is uniquely positioned to address America’s challenges at all points of the educational spectrum: from elementary and secondary school teachers through college acceptance and completion to career coaching and success. By strategically targeting our programs at critical junctures along this spectrum, TMCF can address negative educational trends, and build a secure platform for enduring benefit in the future. By transforming the future for each student, TMCF is shaping the future for their families and our country.

901 F St Nw Ste 700
WASHINGTON, District of Columbia 20004-1481
United States
Phone 202-888-0042
Twitter @tmcf_hbcu
Unique Identifier 411750692