SAINT PAUL, Minnesota, 55114-9938 United States

Mission Statement

Urban Boatbuilders provides positive youth development through the building and use of wooden boats.

About This Cause

Urban Boatbuilders has two signature programs: the Apprenticeship program and the Partnership program. The Apprenticeship program serves youth with employment barriers that are ages 16-19 years old. Apprentices are hired for three months, earn a stipend, and learn boatbuilding and work-readiness skills, such as goal setting, financial literacy, and job interviewing. The Partnership program brings boatbuilding and youth development into middle schools, high schools, and community organizations throughout the Twin Cities. Students that don't necessarily thrive in a traditional classroom setting have an opportunity to learn math, science, and other academic concepts through the building of boats.

2288 University Ave W
SAINT PAUL, Minnesota 55114-9938
United States
Unique Identifier 411831598