ST PAUL, Minnesota, 55113 United States

Mission Statement

Carmen Pampa Fund generates resources to assist with the growth and development of the Unidad Académica Campesina- Carmen Pampa (UAC-CP), a college in rural Bolivia that serves poor families through education, research, production, and community service projects.

About This Cause

Founded in 1999, Carmen Pampa Fund is a St. Paul, Minnesota-based non-profit organization that generates human and financial resources to assist with the growth and development of the Unidad Académica Campesina-Carmen Pampa (UAC-CP or the College). Carmen Pampa Fund is responsible for fundraising; disseminating information about the College in the US; maintaining partnerships with U.S. colleges and universities; helping to recruit professional volunteers to work at the College; and participating in the Joint Planning and Oversight Council that facilitates the relationship between CPF and the College and jointly prioritizes long-term strategic planning. Carmen Pampa Fund shares the College’s vision to empower young Bolivians to actively respond to the social, environmental, and economic needs of their families and communities. The College (UAC-CP) was founded in 1993 to provide higher education to the poor and marginalized; prepare young men and women who are, called by Christian principle, to serve the poor; guide young adults in their search for truth through education, research, and community service; and integrate the College’s work throughout Bolivia’s rural area. The College started as a joint effort between the Catholic University of Bolivia in La Paz, the Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (MFIC), the Diocese of Coroico, Bolivia, and the sub-central Villa Nilo–a local governing body of the indigenous people, Nor Yungas, Bolivia. The people of Nor Yungas are mainly of Aymaran or Afro-Bolivian decent who, until 1952, were indentured slaves. Sr. Damon Nolan, MFIC, who was living in the mountainous Yungas region, guided the four groups who were united in their concern regarding the absence of higher education for young people in one of South America’s poorest areas. Building a college, they agreed, would be a way to empower people from the rural area to respond to common problems and needs of the population. In 1992 an agreement was signed with the local farmers’ organization to build the College. Some farmers signed the pact with a thumbprint. Since the first group of 54 students enrolled for classes at the UAC-CP in January 1994, the College has experienced tremendous growth. Today, nearly 700 students are enrolled for classes and theses work in one of the College’s five academic departments: Veterinary Science, Agronomy, Nursing, Education, and Ecotourism. The College has more than 400 graduates and approximately 150 thesis students. In the past 20 years the UAC-CP has become a vibrant catalyst for economic and social change in one of the poorest areas of Latin America

P.o. Box 131145
ST PAUL, Minnesota 55113
United States
Phone 651-641-1588
Unique Identifier 411949280