NEW HAVEN, Connecticut, 06513 United States

Mission Statement

We are leading a national movement to safeguard one of the most basic needs of all babies and their families, access to clean, dry diapers. Fair access to clean diapers improves the physical, mental and economic well-being of babies, families, and communities.

About This Cause

NDBN’s core mission includes: - Raising awareness of diaper need - Building and supporting a national network - Distributing diapers to babies suffering from diaper need NDBN connects and supports the county’s more than 320 community-based diaper banks that collect, store and distribute free diapers to struggling families. In 2015, the network distributed nearly 46 million free diapers, including 20 million donated by NDBN founding sponsor Huggies®. The Network serves more than 346,000 children throughout the country each month. Our work to address diaper need would not be possible without the support of local community groups, foundations, policy makers, nonprofit organizations, business leaders and committed individuals. Together, we are raising public awareness, conducting and advancing research, providing expert technical assistance, and building a network of new and active diaper banks capable of improving their local communities.

470 James Street Suite 7
NEW HAVEN, Connecticut 06513
United States
Phone 2038217348
Unique Identifier 452823935