Theatre of the Oppressed NYC

Brooklyn, New York, 11201 United States

Mission Statement

Theatre of the Oppressed NYC (TONYC) partners with communities facing discrimination to create original, interactive forum theater performances that inspire transformative action.

About This Cause

TONYC partners with social service organizations to create theatre with community participants - actors - who are facing pressing social, economic, health and human rights issues. TONYC started with one troupe comprised of chronically homeless adults, and has grown to meet community need, now partnering with ten organizations to host ten theatre troupes, including eight youth troupes. TONYC actively engages over 200 actors in our annual program. We perform to over 1500 audience members every year. TONYC communities are affected by sustained discrimination based on class, race, language, gender identity and sexual orientation, among other factors. A majority of our community actors have experienced chronic homelessness and housing insecurity, and have a history in the criminal justice system. Our Theatre Troupes Program is our flagship program: theatre troupes tour to diverse communities to engage in Forum Theatre - a particular style of theatre that leads to socio-political outcomes. The real life stories of the participants are presented in a play and followed by an interactive, creative discussion and (re)enactment of scenes from the play. Audience members are transformed from spectator to ‘spect-actor’, in that they step into the role of the protagonist onstage and rehearse their solution to the problem previously presented. This powerful, brave, fun and exhilarating part of the theatrical performance ends in rigorous analysis of the complex issues being depicted, inspiring policy ideas and laughter.

Theatre of the Oppressed NYC
68 Jay Street, Suite 220
Brooklyn, New York 11201
United States
Phone 6465044582
Unique Identifier 454815944