PASADENA, California, 91103-2011 United States

Mission Statement

Synchromy’s mission is to elevate underrepresented Los Angeles-based composers and expand the scope of new music through commissions, collaborations, and community engagement. By reinventing what concerts look like, we reach out to adventurous new artists and audiences.

About This Cause

Synchromy began as a solution to the problem of visibility and opportunity for local composers in the Los Angeles new music community. Contemporary music was being performed, however the majority of the music being performed was “imported” from elsewhere. Knowing the amount of influential new music being created by the large community of composers in Los Angeles, and understanding the potential Los Angeles had to become a nationally and internationally recognized hub for the creation and performance of contemporary music, a group of local composers formed Synchromy in 2010 to serve as an interface between them and the music community. In the years that followed, Synchromy evolved into a robust organization, with executive and artistic directors hired and a board established. We refocused in our tenth season, ensuring that every decision we made was with local composers’ best interests at heart. This included focusing on creating the best possible work samples for composers, having monthly meetings with local composers to figure out what they want and need, and analyzing each event to see if there was anything that could be added to create value for the composers involved. While we still operate as a collective, our organization has branched out, allowing our composers to curate events they feel are relevant to the Los Angeles audience. This has expanded our programming, which now includes things such as masterclasses, community networking (composer “speed dating” and “scratch nights," opportunities for works-in-progress to be showcased), and multi-disciplinary showcases. We began collaborating with outside organizations to grow our reach and serve a wider array of audience members. In recent years the expansion of the organization and its goals has necessitated a scaling up of our operations, including an opera festival, student composer outreach initiatives, and a welcoming committee for composers relocating to our area.

1390 N Arroyo Blvd
PASADENA, California 91103-2011
United States
Phone 213-255-5718
Unique Identifier 455591264