Brooklyn, New York, 11225 United States

Mission Statement

STEM From Dance influences girls of color to pursue STEM by using dance to attract and prepare them.

About This Cause

STEM From Dance uses dance to grow the number of minority, low-income girls who are STEM college-ready. Many minority girls from low-income areas don’t become scientists or engineers. It is not because they are unable, but because they lack confidence, preparation, and awareness of STEM careers. STEM From Dance is an in- or out-of-school program that uses dance as a culturally relevant source of confidence to bridge the gap to America’s most promising jobs. We deliver an integrated dance and STEM program designed to uncover the awesomeness of STEM and build the confidence and skills needed to obtain a STEM degree.

315 Empire Boulevard #250562
Brooklyn, New York 11225
United States
Unique Identifier 461793936