PASADENA, California, 91106-4024 United States

Mission Statement

We aim to continue "Dr. B's" legacy of inspiring young lives through music, by supporting music education in K-12 public schools in California.

About This Cause

We aim to change young lives for the better by inspiring K-12 public school students through the gift of music education. So far, our efforts have been directed to two programs: First, we partner with, a nationally-recognized 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit, and its extensive network of crowd-sourced, small-dollar donors to support music education projects in K-12 public schools throughout California. Second, the majority of our funds go to support direct music education grants to teachers in K-12 public schools throughout California. With a simple application, screening, and funds distribution process, we aim to make it easier for dedicated teachers to obtain the resources they need to bring their music education ideas into reality. Through direct donations, corporate support, and royalties from the sale of Dr. Bacon-Shone's compositions and arrangements, we raise funds to distribute through our two main programs. In the years since we began, we have continuously improved our processes to maximize arts education benefit to students and teachers, while minimizing administrative challenges and costs. We also seek to create an arts-focused donor community, that supports music and musicians in our society. Every year, we donate hundreds of dollars to bring music education to students in K-12 public schools across the state of California. In 2020 alone, we supported 2200 students in 17 schools, with a particular emphasis during this pandemic year on providing instruments, so students could continue learning music from home. We have established affiliate programs with AmazonSmile, eBay for Charity, iGive, and Sheet Music Plus to bring in additional revenue to support our grant budget, and create easy ways for supporters to enhance our programs. As an additional income stream and to share Dr. Bacon-Shone's gift of music, we have edited and published over 30 of his compositions and arrangements via Sheet Music Plus. 100% of these royalties go to support music education. Our board has worked diligently to streamline operations and minimize administrative expenses. We donate our time, funds, and resources to cover *all* administrative costs and processing fees, enabling 100% of every donor dollar to go directly into the classroom. Drawing from our donations, we have created and nurtured a small endowment, to ensure we are able to continue supporting music education when the economic needs are greatest. We have created a musical community through our social media presence, sharing information about and feedback from our projects, as well as raising awareness of partner arts education programs and the accomplishments of our musical friends. We continue to seek to create a community where music and music education are a valuable language that recognizes our uniqueness and unites us across cultures and generations. Going forward, we hope to continue expanding our base of support, the reach of our community, and the impact of our projects. We thank you for all of your support that makes this possible!

711 S Mentor Ave
PASADENA, California 91106-4024
United States
Unique Identifier 462617945