HOUSTON, Texas, 77019-3908 United States

Mission Statement

To equip high school girls with the skills, values, confidence, and faith needed to reach their full potential and become productive women of excellence.

About This Cause

PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS The young women participating in RARE Pearls have demonstrated academic potential, leadership, and extracurricular involvement. However, many are at-risk of not living up to their full potential due to extenuating circumstances and challenges. These racially and ethnically diverse students are more likely to not pursue higher education, nor complete college/post-secondary programs due to economic or environmental barriers. They live primarily in low-income or otherwise financially challenged households, and over 90% are the first generation in their families to attend college. OUR PROGRAMS • Monthly Empowerment Sessions These interactive workshops/group mentoring sessions are led by RARE mentors. Each two-hour session is designed to influence behaviors and attitudes through the development of character, leadership, confidence, and life skills. • “Be Your Best” Girls’ Conference The primary goal of the “Be Your Best” Girls’ Conference is to provide an inspiring, educational forum for high school girls that equips them with information and resources that promote personal and educational development. The conference serves over 500 girls annually. • Social, Cultural, and Educational Outings • Girls & Pearls Shower (GPS) To equip girls with the necessities and inspiration needed to navigate through the financial and transitional challenges of college entrance (laptop computers, dorm room necessities, school supplies, luggage, toiletries, etc.). • Scholarships and Awards Luncheon and “Coming-of-Age” Ceremony Each program participant receives a $500 - $1,000 book scholarship upon graduation. Outstanding program participants are also awarded merit scholarships (ranging from $1,000 - $10,000) to the college/university of their choice. The number of awards is determined by the preceding year’s fundraising results.

1302 Waugh Dr 991 1302 Waugh Dr. Suite 991
HOUSTON, Texas 77019-3908
United States
Phone 7132562586
Unique Identifier 465435944