WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 20009-6046 United States

Mission Statement

ARCS is a coalition of US-based Syrian diaspora organizations who are providing humanitarian and development services for Syrians worldwide. ARCS' mission is to be voice for this community through advocacy and empowering local humanitarian actors. ARCS serves as an impetus for positive change, social welfare, and progress through serving as a platform for coordination and organizational development. Our vision is to empower Syrian voices, both in Syria and in the diaspora. We envision a world where Syrian voices are heard, and their dreams are empowered to become a reality.

About This Cause

The purpose of ARCS is to support its member organizations through advocacy, capacity building, and coordination. ARCS member organizations are Syrian diaspora organizations working on Syrian issues, focusing primarily on fundraising and providing humanitarian and development services. These organizations often do not have enough time or capacity for additional initiatives or organizational development. ARCS works to fill in this gap for its member organizations. ARCS ensures that the voices of the Syrian humanitarian community is being heard by policy makers in Washington and at the UN. ARCS provides its members with free webinars, online courses, and resources for their staff to build a strong and transparent nonprofit. Additionally, there are hundreds of organizations working to support Syrians, with little or no coordination. ARCS connects and facilitates collaboration between its member organizations. The need for a coalition such as ARCS continues to grow, not only for US-based organizations, but for organizations across the globe who work on Syria. Humanitarian aid for 13.5 million people in Syria and the 5 million refugees in the region continues to be logistically challenged. ARCS can help coordinate and promote high standards for these efforts. Additionally, reconstructions and development in Syria will be a long-term process, ARCS can support coordinating these initiatives as well.

1875 Connecticut Ave Nw 10Th Floor
WASHINGTON, District of Columbia 20009-6046
United States
Twitter @ARC4Syria
Unique Identifier 471273159