PASADENA, California, 91107-4250 United States

Mission Statement

Makoto Taiko strives to connect and empower people of all backgrounds by advancing the practice of taiko with intention and sincerity.

About This Cause

Makoto Taiko’s purpose is to advance the practice and art of taiko through classes, workshops, and performances in the community. But through our enthusiastic interpretation of Japanese culture, we also seek to spread energy and joy, as well as create a greater understanding of this culture among our students and the surrounding community. Despite its Japanese origins, taiko transcends language and culture. The powerful sound and precisely articulated rhythms of taiko empower performers and inspire audience members. Taiko, when played in ensemble form as we do, can touch the soul, inspire the heart, and create a feeling of wellness within the performer and the audience. It is a highly energetic activity, as well as musical, and promotes character traits of respect and integrity. We are committed to teaching taiko to all interested individuals, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religious belief or skill level. Makoto Taiko does not discriminate and is open to students from all socio-economic circumstances, ethnic backgrounds, and skill levels. Outlets that promote expression, physical activity, and connectivity are cherished now more than ever before. These precepts, however, have long been the core of Makoto Taiko’s vision and will remain fundamental to our mission and operation in the coming year and beyond.

2430 E Colorado Blvd
PASADENA, California 91107-4250
United States
Twitter @makototaiko
Unique Identifier 471555576