La Cañada, California, 91011 United States

Mission Statement

Bring Hope to Every Heart.

About This Cause

With the financial and volunteer assistance of his many friends (the “grapes” in his Vineyard), Fr. Kenneth Deasy is currently reaching those in need: + working with inner city “youth at risk” and those released from jails and prisons in Los Angeles County, assisting food bank in primarily Spanish-speaking area of Bell Gardens, both directly and by leveraging his contacts and distributing funds through local religious brothers and sisters. + teaching religion and life skills in Maui parochial school and working with defendants in Maui Veterans Court where issues are primarily substance abuse and PTSD. + in earthquake and hurricane-ravaged areas of Haiti since 2010, including rebuilding a 300 student boarding school for deaf and mute children, contributing to solar power facility to provide electricity and filtered, clean water for school and staff. + by building school, cafeteria, water system for St. Vincent de Paul school in Nthare, Kenya, for 250 students, constructed medical clinic which opened in November, 2020, for students and families. The Clinic serves not only school students, staff and families, but villagers in surrounding rural areal. 10 bed clinic completed with 3 on-site nurses and one traveling physician. Virtual connection to full-service hospital and staff 3 hours away. Living accommodations for nurses. Focused on women's care and childbirth issues. Father Ken has ministered for over 33 years as a Catholic priest and is now retired, living on Maui with chickens and 3 dogs. He would like to spend more time there, but remains engaged giving retreats, performing weddings, funerals and baptisms, interacting with the homeless and those in poverty on the mainland and other Hawaiian islands, and renewing connections with former parishioners of the numerous parishes where he served. Fr. Ken also makes an annual visit to Santos, Haiti, to evaluate the progress of the students and building projects, and to Nthare, Kenya, to minister to students and his fellow priests, many of whom were trained in civil-war stricken South Sudan. The Vineyard supported 12 seminarians trained in South Sudan who are now priests in the surrounding areas. (There is no International travel during the COVID pandemic.)

607 Foothill Blvd #1244
La Cañada, California 91011
United States
Phone (323) 697-9462
Twitter @none
Unique Identifier 472213498