PALO ALTO, California, 94306-4553 United States

Mission Statement

Our vision at VivAsia is to inspire, educate, connect and empower people to embrace cultural diversity through community building, health and wellness programs, human kindness and caring. We provide culturally inspired fitness and wellness programs for underserved communities and individuals of all fitness levels and ages. Our mission is to enable individuals to live a healthy active lifestyle and to appreciate cultural diversity.

About This Cause

VivAsia provides culturally inspired fitness and wellness programs for individuals of all fitness levels, through a group fitness aerobic dance class that creates awareness and sparks exploration of cultures through dance and music. VivAsia both provides classes directly and trains instructors to teach VivAsia classes. VivAsia currently operates primarily in Santa Clara, San Mateo, and Alameda counties in California, and focuses on reaching the elderly, a group traditionally underserved by existing health and fitness opportunities. In the future, VivAsia will expand its target communities to include low-income individuals and racial and cultural minorities. VivAsia’s education and fitness programs are dedicated to the values of compassion, integrity, empowerment, diversity and respect. VivAsia strives to inspire, educate, connect and empower people to embrace cultural diversity through community building, health and wellness programs, human kindness and caring. VivAsia’s activities serve educational purposes by providing culturally inspired aerobic dance classes and instructor training. VivAsia’s activities also serve charitable purposes by providing relief of the distress related to the special needs of the elderly, by providing health, fitness, and cultural activities for the elderly.

169 Ely Pl
PALO ALTO, California 94306-4553
United States
Phone 650-494-2762
Unique Identifier 474459549