NEW YORK, New York, 10012 United States

Mission Statement

The purpose of the not-for-profit Aesthetic Realism Foundation is to meet the urgent need for people throughout America and the world to see each other and reality fairly. The means to that fairness is Aesthetic Realism, the philosophy founded in 1941 by Eli Siegel, American poet, critic, and educator--which is based on the following principles: 1. The deepest desire of every person is to like the world on an honest or accurate basis. 2. The greatest danger for a person is to have contempt for the world and what is in it. Contempt can be defined as the lessening of what is different from oneself as a means of self-increase as one sees it. 3. All beauty is a making one of opposites, and the making one of opposites is what we are going after in ourselves. The Foundation is dedicated to the understanding of, and greater respect for, people, art, and reality.

About This Cause

The Aesthetic Realism Foundation is a center for culture and kindness. There are classes in the visual arts, poetry, music, acting, anthropology, and more; workshops for teachers; public seminars; and individual consultations for people of all ages. There are dramatic and musical presentations by the Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company, and exhibitions in the Terrain Gallery. Our extensive outreach programs--which are loved throughout the metropolitan area and beyond--include classes for children at youth centers; classes bringing fresh life and energy to seniors; anti-bullying and anti-prejudice workshops at schools, libraries, universities; speakers on the arts, education, and more. At this time in our nation's history there is an urgent need for people to learn what Aesthetic Realism explains: how justice to other people and things is the same as care for oneself! It is possible to study Aesthetic Realism anywhere in the world through the Foundation's website and Online Library. These are rich with articles; poetry; works on literature, philosophy, the social sciences, the arts--all in relation to life as people live it. The biweekly international periodical The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known [TRO] features ground-breaking commentaries by Ellen Reiss on immediate life, world happenings, economics, the arts. In TRO, people can study landmark works by Eli Siegel, and writings by Consultants and Associates. Professional classes for Aesthetic Realism Consultants and for Associates studying to teach Aesthetic Realism are conducted by Ms. Reiss, who is Chairman of Education, appointed by Eli Siegel. The effect of the Aesthetic Realism education on people's lives is tremendously beneficial, and thrilling. Men, women, and young persons learn to see other people, the world, and themselves more exactly--with honest respect and therefore much more pleasure. They like the world and themselves more, feel freer, are more expressed, kinder, deeper, keener, and happier. Aesthetic Realism is education urgently needed by America and the world.

141 Greene Street
NEW YORK, New York 10012
United States
Phone 212-777-4490
Twitter @ARFdn
Unique Identifier 510179690