Washington, District of Columbia, 20001 United States

Mission Statement

The Perry School Community Services Center proudly stewards our historic landmark home, M Street High School, the nation's second public high schools for African Americans. We passionately honor its legacy by serving as a dynamic beacon of hope and progress. We house vital nonprofits who drive transformative community change through health, education, social, and economic programs, and services, that make lasting, measurable impacts on the lives of those we serve and embodying history in action.

About This Cause

Perry School Community Services Center, Inc.: Empowering Communities through History, Collaboration, and Revitalization Established in 1991 by visionary community leaders, the Perry School Community Services Center, Inc. (Perry Center) has been a beacon of hope in the North Capitol Street area of Northwest Washington, DC. Initially founded to combat chronic poverty through collaborative efforts, the Perry Center has evolved over the years to meet the changing needs of its dynamic and diverse community. Historical Roots: Preserving Legacy, Inspiring Futures At the heart of Perry's mission is the preservation of the rich cultural history of the M Street High School. This historic institution, one of the first publicly funded African-American high school in the country, produced trailblazers and pioneers who shaped American history. Through presentations, partnerships with cultural organizations, and a grant-supported poster series, the Perry Center actively engages in preserving and sharing the stories of these remarkable figures, inspiring current and future generations. Adapting to Demographic Shifts: A Fresh Vision for the Future Recognizing the significant demographic changes in its community, the Perry Center is undertaking a strategic shift in its vision. While initially focused on eradicating poverty, the Center now aspires to be a welcoming hub that fosters community engagement, contribution, and a sense of belonging. With a commitment to inclusivity, the Perry Center is poised to adapt to the evolving needs of its residents, ensuring relevance in a changing landscape. Current Activities: Housing, Cultural Preservation, and Community Revitalization The Perry Center's multifaceted approach to community empowerment is organized into three primary areas: 1. Housing Nonprofit Community Service Providers: In response to the evolving needs of the community, the Perry Center is expanding its physical space and diversifying its tenant base. Four new grassroots nonprofit tenants have been added, providing vital programs and generating additional revenue for the center. This initiative not only supports essential community services but also ensures the financial sustainability of the Perry Center. 2. Preserving the Cultural Significance of M Street High School: The Perry Center actively celebrates its historical roots, collaborating with organizations to share the stories of M Street High School's luminaries. Through presentations, a grant-funded poster series, and partnerships with cultural institutions, the Perry Center ensures that the legacy of one of the first African-American high school in the country remains a source of inspiration and pride for the community. 3. Revitalization of Our Community: Acknowledging the importance of fostering a sense of community and addressing rising concerns about violence, the Perry Center is exploring a transformation into a comprehensive community center. By engaging in conversations with community partners, local stakeholders, and government officials, the Perry Center aims to provide not only essential services but also a safe and inclusive space for residents, particularly the youth of our community. Looking Ahead: Building a Stronger, Connected Community As the Perry Center continues its journey, it remains committed to adaptability, inclusivity, and community-driven initiatives. By embracing a broader vision, the Perry Center is poised to play a pivotal role in building a stronger, connected community where residents feel inspired, welcomed, and empowered to contribute to the collective well-being. Join us in our mission to create positive outcomes for youth, adults, and families within our defined service area. Together, we can build a community where everyone has a voice, a place, and a chance to thrive.

128 M St Nw Suite 100
Washington, District of Columbia 20001
United States
Phone 202.312.7150
Unique Identifier 521722904