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Mission Statement
Humane Society International is one of the only international animal protection organizations in the world working to protect all animals—including animals in laboratories, farm animals, companion animals, and wildlife—and our record of achievement demonstrates our dedication and effectiveness. HSI supports programs in many countries around the world, and maintains offices in Australia, Brussels (Europe office), Canada, Costa Rica (Latin America office), India, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States (The HSUS).
About This Cause
Around the world, HSI is leading the way to a better future for all animals by creating a humane and sustainable world through education, advocacy, and the promotion of respect and compassion. Your gift helps make sure our Fight for All Animals can continue like eliminating animal cruelty, animal testing programs, dog meat trade, factory farming, and wildlife trophy hunting; as well as responding to disasters and all our work to protect animals. Our international animal welfare, anti-cruelty and animal protection programs include: Animal Testing Programs- Each year, more than 100 million animals are bred, injected, infected, cut open, genetically altered, and more in the name of science. HSI, in collaboration with other global partners, is leading the way for change by drawing attention to these unnecessary and cruel scientific testing methods through education and lobbying efforts. Advancing Humane Science – Today, scientific and government authorities worldwide are acknowledging the deficiencies of "animal models" and calling for a new approach to safety testing and health research using state-of-the-art techniques. Chemical and Product Testing - From drugs to pesticides and household cleaners, chemicals and products of all descriptions are still being tested in massive doses on dogs, mice, rabbits and other animals. HSI's Science Team has been instrumental in securing the largest-ever reduction in government animal testing requirements through our public policy efforts in Europe. Efforts to extend these life-saving precedents are expanding globally to spare countless more animals in North and South America, Asia, and beyond. Anti-Cruelty - Animal Fighting - Torture isn't entertainment and culture is no excuse for cruelty. Bullfights result in approximately 250,000 bulls killed every year. The animals are stabbed multiple times before suffering slow, agonizing deaths in front of an audience, including children. These cruel bullfighting spectacles still take place in Spain, France, Portugal, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, and Mexico. HSI is focused on ending government use of public funds to support the bullfighting industry. Dogfighting - "Man’s best friend" may fight to the death in dogfights, often with tens of thousands of dollars at stake. Dogfighters sometimes kill the losing dogs, and even winners may die from their wounds. HSI is working to stop these practices through better policy and enforcement. Companion Animals - HSI helps deal with cruelty, neglect and overpopulation and does hands-on rescue of dogs from a variety of harmful situations. Dog Meat Trade - In some parts of Asia, dogs suffer terribly as victims of the trade in dog meat for human consumption. HSI and our partners are working to end the cruelty with rescue efforts, educational programs and legislative reform. Street Dog Welfare is dedicated to improving life for thousands of street dogs around the world by providing services like spay/neuter surgeries to humanely manage overpopulation, and vaccination clinics to prevent the spread of rabies. Farm Animals - HSI is fighting to reduce the suffering endured by millions of farm animals in factory farms. Animal Agriculture and Climate Change - Raising enormous numbers of land animals for food—75.5 billion globally in 2012—cause significant emissions of three of the most important climate-changing gases, disrupting weather, temperature, and ecosystem health. HSI promotes transition away from industrial farm animal production to more sustainable, welfare-friendly forms of agriculture, as well as a reduction in the number of animals raised for food Intensive confinement can prevent farm animals from exercising, fully extending their limbs, or engaging in many other important natural behaviors. Constrained in barren cages and crates, animals can experience long-term physical and psychological problems. Battery cages for egg-laying hens and crates for pregnant sows and calves are simply not appropriate environments. HSI works with governments and corporations to enact reforms to improve the treatment of farm animals. Horses – HSI campaigns against horse slaughter for human consumption in Canada and Europe, and improving conditions for working equines in Haiti and Latin America. Due to their sensitive nature and flight response, there is no humane way to slaughter horses for food. People are often horrified to learn that all kinds of horses meet this fate: unsuccessful racehorses, lame or ill horses, pets, and foals alike. Instead of being shipped to slaughter, horses should be re-homed, sent to sanctuary or humanely euthanized by a veterinarian. Oceans – Marine mammals don't belong in captivity. Seals and sharks should not be killed enmasse. Whaling is inhumane and outdated. HSI is drawing attention to these issues and calling for an end to these cruel practices with demand reduction campaigns and international trade agreements. Marine Mammals in Captivity - The more we learn about marine mammals, the more troubling it becomes to keep these complexes, intelligent creatures in tanks and pens. It’s time to see the situation from the animals’ point of view and reconsider whether it's right to confine them for our amusement. HSI is working with governments, media, local activists, and the general public to change the perception of captive marine mammals Shark Finning - Every year tens of millions of sharks are hunted to meet the demand for shark fin soup, an East Asian delicacy. Production of shark fin soup is cruel and wasteful. Fins are removed and the sharks are thrown back into the water to die slowly and painfully. Whaling - Despite a ban on commercial whaling, whales are still hunted. A few countries still kill thousands of the animals each year and want to re-open the seas to full-scale commercial whaling. HSI is calling for a global whale sanctuary to end all whaling for commercial purposes forever. Wildlife - From combating overpopulation to preventing illegal poaching and trade, HSI works to protect wildlife. Fur Trade - Animals raised for fur spend short, miserable lives in small wire cages, only to be gassed or electrocuted when their pelts are at their prime. In the wild, traps inflict great pain and anguish, both to the target animals and to unintended victims such as pets and endangered species. HSI is working to ban fur factory farms, end the use of brutal leg hold traps, stop the commercial hunting of seals for fur, and improve fur labeling laws. Rhinoceros Poaching - Rhino horn is a highly valued component of Traditional Chinese Medicine, practiced in China, Vietnam and other parts of East Asia. Hundreds of rhinos are killed illegally for their horns every year. HSI is working to improve international and domestic laws and regulations, to increase enforcement of existing protective measures, and to convince consumers of Traditional Chinese Medicine that the use of rhino horn is ineffective and unnecessary and is threatening the survival of these fascinating animals. Wildlife Trade harms wildlife populations. Live wild animal are sold as exotic pets or stock for game farms, or sent to biomedical research facilities or zoos. Animal parts, such as rhino horn or ivory tusks may be used in clothing, as ornamental objects, or for non-traditional medicinal purposes. Wildlife trade is linked to violence, drugs and organized crime. Methods of poaching and capture are terribly cruel. Disaster Response - When disaster strikes, HSI supports relief efforts to provide animals with life-saving rescue, emergency shelter, food, water, and veterinary care. We do whatever is necessary to help both people and animals affected by disaster. Education and Training - HSI establishes much-needed training centers and opportunities throughout the globe for veterinarians and other animal control personnel to improve their animal welfare skills in spay/neuter surgery, humane handling and catching or shelter management. HSI offers an array of humane educational training experiences to developing global communities.