WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 20016-5561 United States

Mission Statement

The Institute for Education (IFE) is a nonprofit organization committed to engaging the global community to harness the power of soft diplomacy, innovation, data, and technology. We partner with diplomats, entrepreneurs, technologists, journalists and leaders from across the political spectrum to promote bipartisanship, foster Washington D.C. culture, and encourage Tech-in-Gov.

About This Cause

Past events have included Secretary Hillary Clinton, Senator John McCain, Senator Orin Hatch, Justice Ginsburg, Justice Scalia, Ariana Huffington, Mayors, Governors, Directors of the CIA and FBI and many other notable individuals. IFE also works to educate students of all backgrounds in computer science through our CS@SC coding camp. We feel that basic CS skills are an integral part of ensuring that every child has equal access to the opportunities of the future.

4410 Massachusetts Ave Nw
WASHINGTON, District of Columbia 20016-5561
United States
Unique Identifier 521776349