SEATTLE, Washington, 98101-2130 United States

Mission Statement

Sightline Institute is an independent, nonprofit research and communications center working to make the Northwest a global model of sustainability—strong communities, a green economy, and a healthy environment. Since 1993, Sightline has equipped policymakers, and citizens with the information and tools they need to advance solutions to the most significant challenges facing the Northwest. Their innovative research and practical ideas connect the dots across a range of issues, giving leaders the resources they need to create change. In the nearly two decades of Sightline’s existence, they have come to fill a crucial niche in the sustainability movement: the convergence of science-based research and communications. They show social change-makers how to put sustainability theory into practice; how to convert scientific findings into language and policy that resonates with social values.

About This Cause

Sightline serves as an information source for the media and public via our blog, email newsletters, and Sightline Daily news service. Sightline Daily provides up-to-date environmental, economic, social news affecting Cascadia, combined with expert insight that helps connect the dots on issues and point to solutions. Sightline Weekly is a digest of the week’s best stories from the Daily Score blog and news service. Monthly emails update subscribers on recent research, reports, and graphics. Citizens who are informed about current events in their communities and environment are more likely to vote mindfully, take action in their communities, and make healthy choices for their lives and the environment. Our news, emails, and updates advance solutions to the region’s problems and inspire readers to take action. We provide journalists and other media with intelligent, pragmatic, and trustworthy data that they can use in their work. Sightline provides Cascadia’s community problem solvers with practical vision and innovative thinking that inspire and empower them to bring about healthy, lasting prosperity that is grounded in place and based on shared values. We are the organization behind some of the biggest sustainability initiatives in the Northwest. We’re the group that gave Mayor Sam Sullivan the idea of “eco-density.” We gave BC Premier Gordon Campbell the idea of a carbon tax shift. We coined the term “green-collar jobs” that President Obama talks about. We dreamed up WalkScore. In 2020, Sightline's fingerprints could be found on a number of policy advancements across the Pacific Northwest. The research Sightline staff produced helped win the adoption of the Portland Residential Infill Project, deny key permits to Jordan Cove LNG and Kalama methanol projects, and spread the PNW model of Vote By Mail across the United States. This work was done in collaboration with other organizations and individuals, so we won't claim sole credit for the victories. But Sightline's efforts are a step forward to creating a global model of sustainability in the Northwest.

1402 3Rd Ave Ste 500
SEATTLE, Washington 98101-2130
United States
Phone 206-447-1880
Twitter @sightline
Unique Identifier 521833599