WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 20006-4401 United States

Mission Statement

The Trust for the Americas’ mission is to promote partnerships for economic and social inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean. We do this by combining resources from the private sector, bilateral donors, multilateral institutions, governments, media, the Organization of American States, and NGOs. We use these resources to strengthen local organizations by developing and adapting innovative curricula; providing them with training and technical assistance; improving their access to funds, equipment and technology; and helping them develop advocacy strategies and link with networks. These investments help local organizations build community ownership and improve the quality, quantity and sustainability of their services, resulting in greater economic and social inclusion.

About This Cause

The Trust partners with local organizations throughout the hemisphere to provide vulnerable individuals with the professional and personal development opportunities they need to become self-sufficient through employment while working with governments and the private sector to promote economic and social inclusion. The Trust's Programs: DIA – Democratizing Innovation in the Americas, is a regional initiative launched to foster innovation and empower new generations through access to state-of-the-art technology training, collaboration spaces, specialized curricula, mentorship and financial resources for social and economic ventures. The goal is to activate the hidden potential and talents of individuals living in vulnerable situations. To this end, DIA seeks to promote solutions that generate livelihood opportunities and good governance in the region. DIA brings together academia, civil society, government officials, private sector entities, entrepreneurs and young innovators. DIA operates through innovation labs, collaboration spaces equipped with advanced technology such as 3D printers, microprocessors, Arduinos, and laser cutters. ● Urban Innovation Laboratory in Kingston, Jamaica ● Innovation Laboratory for Peace in Bogota, Colombia ● Inclusive Innovation Laboratory in Monterrey, Mexico POETA-Partnerships for Economic Opportunities through Technologies in the Americas, is a regional initiative that promotes digital literacy, life skills and job readiness to advance economic opportunities for vulnerable groups, particularly at-risk youth, women and people with disabilities. At its core, POETA aims to bridge the inequality gap in the region through a multidisciplinary approach that helps participants develop life plans, start or strengthen social and economic ventures, secure a job, internship or further education opportunities. To this end, POETA operates through a network of technology centers, which are spaces equipped with computers, adapted technologies and learning materials. POETA has directly impacted more than +150,000 people in the Americas and +1.5 million indirect beneficiaries.

1889 F St Nw
WASHINGTON, District of Columbia 20006-4401
United States
Phone 9292584299
Unique Identifier 522123899