WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 20007-3759 United States

Mission Statement

The Junior League of Washington (JLW) is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.

About This Cause

Our Vision The Junior League of Washington strives to be a vibrant presence in the lives of the women and children in the greater metropolitan area of the District of Columbia, serving as a resource throughout the community to effect positive change, seek common ground, and inspire hope. Our Focus The Junior League of Washington (JLW) is proud to focus our financial and volunteer resources on the complex issues of literacy in the greater metropolitan area of the District of Columbia. The JLW defines literacy as "an individual's ability to read, write and speak English and to compute and problem-solve at levels of proficiency necessary to: function on the job and in society, achieve one's goals, and develop one's knowledge and potential." (This definition is based on the definition from the National Literacy Act of 1991.) Our Outreach The Junior League of Washington (JLW) is an organization of women committed to honoring and celebrating diversity while focusing on shared values. The JLW strives to create an environment within the JLW in which any woman committed to improving her community, regardless of race, religion, or national origin, will feel welcome and be encouraged to join the JLW. Our Members At present, over 2,400 women in the Washington, DC area are members of the JLW. The League organizes and trains these women for effective action and leadership in our community through orientations, seminars, and "hands-on" experience. Throughout our history, the JLW has provided millions of volunteer hours and more than $5.4 million to the community. Membership in the JLW today empowers all women to volunteer and help those in need through our selection of volunteer opportunities .

3039 M St Nw
WASHINGTON, District of Columbia 20007-3759
United States
Phone 202-337-2001
Website www.jlw.org
Twitter @jlwdc
Unique Identifier 530213317