RALEIGH, North Carolina, 27613-4340 United States

Mission Statement

The Raleigh Ringers is an internationally acclaimed, advanced community handbell choir based in Raleigh, North Carolina. Since its founding in 1990, The Raleigh Ringers has been dazzling concert audiences with unique interpretations of sacred, secular and popular music, including famous rock ‘n’ roll tunes arranged just for handbells.

About This Cause

Under the direction of David M. Harris, The Raleigh Ringers has released six CDs, and two DVDs of holiday concerts titled One Winter Evening at Meymandi and A December Tradition. The first concert was broadcast on more than 250 public television stations in 44 states. The second one has been broadcast in 37 states on over 80 public television stations. The group has performed in 39 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, England and France during its tours, and plays two dates each year at a major venue in Raleigh. The Raleigh Ringers also sponsors an annual festival for children who play handbells, an annual festival for advanced adult ringers, a beginning ringers workshop, and a read & ring for advanced ringers and teaches handbell techniques classes at Raleigh Ringers Central several times a year. The Raleigh Ringers promotes the art of handbell ringing by: 1. Presenting entertaining performances of advanced handbell music to the widest possible audience; 2. Commissioning composers to create works for advanced handbell choirs; 3. Supporting and encouraging fellow handbell musicians; 4. Offering educational opportunities through classes and event sponsorship.

8516 Sleepy Creek Dr
RALEIGH, North Carolina 27613-4340
United States
Phone (919) 847-7574
Unique Identifier 581888248