TAMPA, Florida, 33602-2204 United States

Mission Statement

Metropolitan Ministries' mission is to care for the homeless and those as risk of becoming homeless through services that alleviate suffering, promote dignity, and instill self-sufficiency as an expression of the ongoing ministry of Jesus Christ.

About This Cause

We’re a local, grassroots, donor and volunteer-fueled community nonprofit. We provide practical solutions for poor and homeless families and individuals throughout Tampa Bay. Our services are designed to help homeless and at-risk children and families, no matter how serious their needs. Whether they need to get off the streets at night, or they’re seeking education so they can get a job that will support their family, we can help. These services are vital for the 32,000 homeless men, women and children in our communities. They’re also fueled by donors. Without this true community collaboration, so many would be left out in the cold with no hope for a future.

2002 N Florida Ave
TAMPA, Florida 33602-2204
United States
Phone 813-209-1000
Unique Identifier 591477007