ALEXANDRIA, Virginia, 22313-1702 United States

Mission Statement

The National Preservation Institute offers continuing education and professional training seminars in historic preservation and cultural resource management. Your donation provides scholarship opportunities for people who preserve our nation’s historic and cultural resources. This enables historic preservation professionals and advocates to preserve heritage through educational programs on the management, preservation, and stewardship of cultural resources.

About This Cause

The mission of the National Preservation Institute (NPI) is to educate those involved in the management, preservation, and stewardship of cultural heritage. NPI was founded in 1980 as a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization. NPI offers continuing education and professional training for those involved in the management, preservation, and stewardship of cultural heritage. NPI serves a broad spectrum of individuals and groups from the government and private sectors by providing professional training seminars in historic preservation and cultural resource management. Board and Staff: NPI is managed by a Board of Directors composed of experts in historic preservation, cultural resource management, advocacy, law, real estate, archaeology, architecture, architectural history, historic site management, planning, and education. Faculty: NPI’s seminars are taught by nationally recognized educators, consultants, and practitioners in historic preservation, archaeology, architecture and landscape architecture, conservation, engineering, historical research, laws and regulations, planning, restoration, and cultural resource management. Cooperating Organizations: NPI partners with a variety of organizations to provide professional training across the United States, from universities and historical societies, to museums, government agencies, and other nonprofits working in the field. This partnership approach helps to bring NPI’s specialized training to a wide range of cultural resource management professionals in a number of disciplines that support the field. NPI currently works with 40-plus cooperating organizations at the national, state, and local levels that provide in-kind support for the training seminars. Testimonials: Participant evaluation comments from NPI seminars offer the best recommendation for funding this program: “Preservation is a field that is always underfunded…. having scholarship funds available for preservation professionals to attend the seminars is critical… the availability of the scholarships is often the difference between someone being able to attend the seminar or not.” “I learned more than expected and it’s very applicable to my current professional direction. The seminar was extremely beneficial. I feel I have the tools and, therefore, an understanding of the process.” “I was extremely satisfied with the information provided at an NPI seminar. I especially appreciated the fact that the instructor was a working professional. Furthermore, I was also impressed by the caliber of attendees. The seminar drew a wide variety of professionals which facilitated discussion tremendously.” “As a full-time graduate student my budget is very tight and I would not have been able to attend the seminar without the scholarship award. The seminar was extremely helpful for me. I was also able to meet people working in preservation and gained valuable insights into current trends in the field.” “I see the NPI seminars as an important way for preservation professionals to have opportunities to learn new information, keep abreast of everchanging laws affecting the preservation field, and to learn from other professionals through networking opportunities.” “I would strongly recommend NPI’s seminars to other professionals in the field because they are not only theoretical, but also necessary for everyday use in preservation.” “With the information I gained at the seminar, and under the guidance of an historic preservation consultant, I was able to complete a fairly straightforward project.” “As someone who works in historic preservation, but who does not have an M.A. in the subject . . . I rely on your seminar series as a guide to what I should know about. I consider your series incredibly useful.” "The most helpful class I've ever had -- good nuts and bolts." "Thank you for the scholarship to attend the 'Introduction to Section 106' Seminar last month! The instructor did a great job making the information understandable! This week, I completed my first Section 106 documentation project using the knowledge gained from the seminar." "Thanks to you and the Institute for putting on such a great course and for having someone so experienced to lead the discussion. Although I'm a backdoor novice to this discipline, I've danced around enough historic building and significant structures in my career to know that I need to be aware of a whole host of issues and to know that I need more and more education."

Po Box 1702
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia 22313-1702
United States
Phone 703-765-0100
Unique Identifier 621247166