SAINT PAUL, Minnesota, 55101-1895 United States

Mission Statement

Saint Paul Almanac is a literary arts organization. We share stories across cultures and cultivate dialogue to promote understanding, relationships, and collaborative action.

About This Cause

In telling and sharing important, often untold stories of under-represented BIPOC communities, Saint Paul Almanac strives to build community across our diverse, unique cultures by promoting understanding, relationships, and collaborative action. To support us in meeting our mission of community building, please help us to SAVE OUR STORIES during this challenging year of COVID -19. At this point, we are operating in a limited capacity due to significantly decreased funding and necessary social distancing. Here are some ways your support will continue to energize our writers, visual artists, and filmmakers in telling and sharing their stories: 1. Our annual Saint Paul Almanac anthology publishes untold stories by emerging and accomplished writers as well as everyday neighbors. Learn how to be one of them on our website! 2. We amplify seldom-heard voices with Community Editors: writers, readers - including high school students - mentored by five experienced editors who listen for truths, experiences, and stories not typically included in mainstream press. 3. With Storymobile, our solar- and bike-powered traveling audio/film studio, records, videotapes, and archives stories from BIPOC communities, and mentors youth from those communities. A recent project produced "Rondo: Beyond the Pavement," a documentary that features stories of the impact on Rondo when I94 bulldozed through the predominantly Black neighborhood in the mid-1950s. 4. We serve as a fiscal sponsor that offers an incubator for independent artists, giving them a way to raise funds for their projects. We also work with them in Almanac projects. Your gift will make a huge impact in continuing this program! Here's how your funding would help to SAVE OUR STORIES: - $20 puts Resistance and Resilience, Saint Paul Almanac Volume 12, into a reader’s hands. - $50 pays one writer to share their story of survival, joy, or everyday life in the Almanac. - $100 provides a meal when a family gathers with Storymobile for conversation (post COVID-19). - $250 gives one youth from a BIPOC community a stipend as part of a Storymobile project. - $500 gives one Community Editor a stipend for three months’ commitment to a process that values equity, new narratives, and good reading. Saint Paul Almanac believes artistic expression is a powerful force for change. Whatever you can give at this economically tough time, your thoughtful contribution will help us to SAVE OUR STORIES. Thank you for making Saint Paul Almanac such a vital community of literary and visual artists, filmmakers, and audiences Together, let’s make the change we want to see in this world!

275 4Th St E Ste 701
SAINT PAUL, Minnesota 55101-1895
United States
Phone 651-477-6639
Unique Identifier 651264407