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Mission Statement
YWCA San Antonio is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
About This Cause
YWCA San Antonio is part of the international network of YWCAs, with 204 associations in the U.S. alone. YWCA has been at the forefront of the most critical social movements for more than 160 years — from women’s empowerment and civil rights, toaffordable housing and pay equity, to violence prevention and health care. In January, 2020 we will celebrate our 110th anniversary in San Antonio. YWCA San Antonio serves approximately 9,000 primarily low-income individuals and families in San Antonio and Bexar County annually with the following programs: Infants and children: -Olga Madrid Child Development Center is a Texas Rising Star 3-star early child development program serving 60 children, ages 0-5 per year. Children and Teens: • After School Challenge Program. Provides a safe and supportive extension of the school day for 400 children at East Central ISD (ECISD) and opportunities for academic enrichment, health, and wellness. • Mi Carrera encourages middle- and high school girls to aspire to set goals, complete high school, explore college and career opportunities, and enhance their self-esteem. Serving 189 girls annually. • Teen Service Learning Program is a youth leadership and community engagement program for 150 young adults ages 13 – 19. • E=MC2. A Google STEM grant, awarded in 2019, will allow us to teach young women about STEM-related fields and involve community mentors from high-tech industries. • Teen Dating Violence Prevention - an in-school program to teach teens about healthy relationships Uninsured, under-insured and immigrant women: • ENCOREplus uses a promotora model to provide information about breast health and clinical breast exams to more than 3,000 women and free mammograms via mobile mammogram units provided by our healthcare partners. Bimonthly “platicas” keep women informed about breast health and provide supportive services to breast cancer survivors. Programs are conducted in English and Spanish. - Economic Empowerment and Financial Literacy provides access to education and training, financial resources and workshops and resource fairs for individuals engaged in self-employment activities. Programs are conducted in English and Spanish. Racial Justice and Gender Equity: • With funding from a grant provided by United Way San Antonio, YWCA San Antonio is engaging in a multi-year effort to address wage equity in the community, creating awareness around the pay disparity between women, women of color, and white men. The project will involve a public campaign to raise awareness about the gender gap in wage equity, and then involve businesses in an advisory capacity to seek to change the local landscape around wage equity, resulting in a consulting practice training businesses how to address and implement equal pay for equal work. Seniors: • Senior Connection provides socialization, exercise, and activities to 760 seniors at the City of San Antonio’s 9 senior centers as well as at the Olga Madrid Center pool and gym. • Partnerships with the Mexican Consulate: • Ventanilla de Salud with the helps immigrants from Mexico navigate the health care system, serving 2,000 people; • Ventanilla de Asesoria Financiera provides assistance to 1,200 individuals to understand the U.S. banking system and provides financial literacy support