Washington, District of Columbia, 20006 United States

Mission Statement

Our mission is to strengthen community-based nonprofits to achieve life-changing results or children, youth, and families in communities impacted by racism, discrimination and poverty.

About This Cause

Stronger Leaders. Successful Nonprofits. Life-changing Outcomes. At Fair Chance, we believe in the power of community based nonprofits to transform lives. Since 2002, we have partnered with 200+ community-based nonprofits, led predominately by people of color, in DC and MD, impacting a combined 150,000 children, youth, and family members. Though nearly one in four children in DC experiences poverty, the right interventions increase the likelihood that they will be on track for success. Local nonprofits embedded in and trusted by the communities they serve have the capacity to build lasting bonds with residents, understand their needs and strengths, establish networks of support, and foster innovation. Fair Chance strategically selects nonprofit “partners” (most identify as persons of color) who are ready to take their organizations to the next level but face challenges in raising capital, recruiting and training a workforce, handling regulatory matters, and measuring impact. Fair Chance works with them (at no charge), developing long-term relationships of trust and building their capacity in organizational and financial management, fundraising, and leadership effectiveness. The goal is always this: build stronger more resilient community-based nonprofits placing more children and youth on a path out of poverty. Our programs start with a comprehensive assessment and include targeted individualized work with an assigned Fair Chance capacity-building specialist. Our proven, community-centered approach is grounded in authentic and measurable, equity-informed practices, tailored to the goals of individual nonprofit leaders. Because of the magnitude of historic and systemic racism, success for every child requires more than the efforts of a single organization. As a result, as we move into our third decade, Fair Chance will continue to work in collaboration --learning from our partners and other community leaders as we advance collective efforts with commitment and humility. Join us in creating a world where every child succeeds.

1775 Eye Street Suite 1150
Washington, District of Columbia 20006
United States
Phone (202) 793-5964
Unique Identifier 743091832