ALEXANDRIA, Virginia, 22314-2301 United States

Mission Statement

Passionately committed to the belief that every child deserves to thrive in a nurturing, permanent family, National Council For Adoption’s mission is to meet the diverse needs of children, birth parents, adopted individuals, adoptive families, and all those touched by adoption through global advocacy, education, research, legislative action, and collaboration.

About This Cause

NCFA began in 1980 as adoption professionals sought to strengthen their voice in support of families and children. Then named the National Committee on Adoption, the non-profit organization was formed to educate the public, media, policymakers, and other stakeholders about adoption-related issues. Since then, NCFA has worked tirelessly to increase public understanding of adoption and promote a positive image of adoption as a loving way to build nurturing, permanent families. We advocate for ethical, sound policies and services regarding adoption in an inclusive, non-partisan way. NCFA monitors federal and state legislation, addressing policies and laws that create barriers to children finding the families they deserve. We collaborate with adoption service providers, like-minded national advocacy and education groups, individuals, and child welfare authorities worldwide to promote the best interests of children everywhere. NCFA has become the nation’s top authority on adoption issues, including domestic infant adoption, international adoption, and adoption from foster care. We are committed to being a lifelong trusted resource for adoptive families, adopted individuals, and birth families, as well as the professionals who serve them and the policymakers whose decisions impact them.

431 N Lee St
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia 22314-2301
United States
Phone 7032996633
Unique Identifier 751721671