Fund for Global Human Rights

Washington, District of Columbia, 20036 United States

Mission Statement

Since 2003, the Fund for Global Human Rights has had one goal: to move human rights forward by providing resources and tools to the people and organizations on the ground who have real potential to generate positive change. Our grants and technical assistance are focused on crucial and difficult work that otherwise might falter for lack of resources, bring financial stability to human rights groups, and help human rights defenders increase their visibility and impact. The Fund supports a wide range of human rights issues, such as defending indigenous land rights in Guatemala, promoting women’s rights in Morocco, pressing for accountability for war crimes in West Africa, and ending the practice of bonded labor (a form of slavery) in India.

About This Cause

OUR APPROACH The way we identify and work with human rights groups is critical to their success, as well as ours. Using their deep knowledge of the region, our staff members work closely with the local activists who are accelerating progress on the ground. We embrace their agenda, while sharing our considerable in-house expertise and experience, along with our financial resources. We do not impose our own agenda as a condition for our support. This builds stronger organizations and movements and gives our donors the opportunity to get their contributions closer to the ground in a strategic, relevant, well-informed way. It’s an on-the-ground, grassroots approach that gets results and sets us apart from other organizations. In our grant-making, the Fund strives to be flexible, courageous, and responsive to needs on the ground. We give general support grants whenever feasible because we believe that activists themselves know best how to allocate their resources. Roughly half of the Fund’s board members are activists to ensure that perspective is embedded in decision-making. Fund staff reflect the courage of the activists they support through a willingness to take calculated risks in supporting emerging organizations or untested, but innovative approaches. The Fund aims to be a long-term resource to the organizations that we support. Every year, our Board of Directors approves funding for human rights organizations in the eighteen countries in which we currently maintain grants programs. Grants typically range from $5,000 to $30,000 and provide largely unrestricted support to frontline groups working on a range of issues. By providing unrestricted funding and renewing support for grantees, we help foster their growth and independence for the long term.

Fund for Global Human Rights
1301 Connecticut Avenue Suite 400
Washington, District of Columbia 20036
United States
Phone (202) 347-7488
Unique Identifier 753029336