SPOKANE VLY, Washington, 99214-1674 United States

Mission Statement

Feed Spokane: Safely rescuing quality food to feed Spokane’s hungry by nurturing sustainable community networks & charitable partnerships while eliminating food waste.

About This Cause

Feed Spokane is a non-profit organization, 501 (c)(3), that brings together meal providers and community partners in the greater Spokane County area to work together to serve free meals to those in need. Restaurants, caterers, hotels, grocers, wholesalers, farmers and event centers donate leftover food that would otherwise be discarded, to Feed Spokane. The food comes safely to Feed Spokane in Health Department approved disposable pans and zip lock bags and properly stored until trained volunteers and coalition agencies distribute the food to any of 55 charitable meal sites in our communities who serve free meals directly to the food insecure. In the month of September, 2019, Feed Spokane rescued and distributed 27,262 pounds nutritious food (that would otherwise end up in our landfills) to our ever growing coalition of non-profit agencies who provide free meals. Our ability to meet the increasing need is dependent on our ability , as an organization, to effectively steward our resources and relationships. Our goal is to do what we can to alleviate hunger in Spokane County and beyond. There is no other agency that does what we do: 1) Safely rescue extra food, 2) Correctly store it and combine it with purchased proteins, fruits and vegetable to make, whenever possible, complete balanced health meals for over 6,000 individuals in our community each week. Additionally, feedspokane.org serves as the only real-time listing of the free meals available in Spokane County, updated daily on our Facebook page. Our website is the heart and soul of our collaboration and outreach. We keep innovating, saving and raising resources and feed as many people as possible while alleviating strain on our waste management systems.

Po Box 141674
SPOKANE VLY, Washington 99214-1674
United States
Phone 509-216-7364
Unique Identifier 770669785