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Mission Statement
Help for Desperate and Needy People International (HDNP) is a community outreach organization committed to provide food and assistance programs to different parts of the world.
About This Cause
Help for Desperate and Needy People International (HDNP) is a community outreach organization committed to provide food and assistance programs to different parts of the world. The organization's platform is to empower underprivileged people through education, healthcare and livelihood programs. It aims at bringing change in the lives of men, women and children by addressing their needs at the grassroots level. Through this junction, local communities can unite to form a new chapter and extend outward. This helps set public intention on doing something for the under privileged in the community. This is necessary because the number of needy people far exceeds the capacity of agencies that can assist. We believe in self-sustainable program through public donations and volunteering. We help provide self-sustainable skill set and bring opportunities to the individual. HDNP International is in the process of working with with private corporations and governmental agencies to build a long lasting network. With our offices in six countries, we are welcoming people from all walks of life to join our mission