New York, New York, 10035 United States

Mission Statement

The Elizabeth Kostova Foundation (EKF) was established in 2007 by the American novelist Elizabeth Kostova to support contemporary Bulgarian literature, art of translation, and to create a nexus between Bulgarian writers and the Anglophone world. The EKF is specialized in organizing writing workshops, translator's ateliers and text performances in Bulgaria and overseas. EKF's programs are designed to help author's professionalization, make their works more accessible, and develop context and audiences in Bulgaria and the US.

About This Cause

To achieve its goals the Foundation implements the following activities: Annual creative writing seminar on Black Sea coast Bulgarian-American Reading series in New York New Literature from Europe Festival in New York Translation awards and scholarships Creative writing competitions Seminars, conducted by Bulgarian or English native-speaking writers Public readings and lectures on literary craft Support of Bulgarian educational programmes in creative writing Projects that foster connections among Bulgarian writers and between Bulgarian writers and their colleagues abroad Opportunities for Bulgarian writers to volunteer for activities that help build their own communities and readership Long-term development of literary translators of Bulgarian from the U.S. and the U.K.

420 E 119 St, Apt 1 Apt A1 Apt A1
New York, New York 10035
United States
Phone 9292507812
Website www.ekf.bg
Twitter @_EKF
Unique Identifier 811110067