WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 20002 United States

Mission Statement

The Fuller Project is the nonprofit newsroom dedicated to groundbreaking journalism about women to raise awareness, expose injustice and spur accountability. Our vision is journalism that fully represents all women, giving readers The Full Story, and spurring gender equality. Through investigative and enterprise reporting about women, and by fostering a committed community of editors, we disrupt bias and redefine traditional news.

About This Cause

The Fuller Project brings journalism about women to millions of readers in the US. and around the world through legacy and local media partnerships. With deeply sourced newsgathering and vivid storytelling, The Fuller Project works to provide a more nuanced understanding of global, US and local news by incorporating diverse perspectives. We center our investigative and enterprise journalism on women’s lived experiences, especially those whose stories are most often unheard in mainstream news, to reveal patterns of discrimination and illuminate solutions. We foster a community of editors and reporters dedicated to inclusive coverage, drawing on expertise about the interconnected issues that affect women, gender diverse people, and whole societies. Our audience tells us that our reporting gives them a new understanding, and better equips them to challenge harmful conventions that have historically limited rights. Since 2015, our reporting has helped end life-threatening practices, led to large scale releases of public data, and influenced the introduction of new legislation. Our rigorous journalism connects the stories of women everywhere, fostering shared urgency, agency, and action. We founded The Fuller Project on the belief that news coverage must represent the views of all individuals. When it does, journalism can fulfill its promise of helping to create a fully informed citizenry. Journalism has the power to inform, to expose abuses of power and human rights, and to inspire urgent action. Yet when the voices, stories and perspectives of women are disproportionately left out, the result is reporting that reinforces bias. Today, women are still underrepresented in news, especially those facing race and identity bias. This has been true for centuries and progress has been slow. As a result, the barriers and harms that women face are often considered tangential – instead of central to the security, economic, legal, environmental and other issues societies face each day.

712 H St Ne Pmb 37
WASHINGTON, District of Columbia 20002
United States
Phone 202-669-5068
Unique Identifier 811175253