BROOKLYN, New York, 11206-3713 United States

Mission Statement

Wendy’s Subway is a reading room, writing space, and independent publisher in Bushwick, Brooklyn. We support emerging artists and writers in making experimental, urgent work and create alternative modes for learning and thinking in community. Wendy’s Subway is dedicated to encouraging creative, critical, and discursive engagement with arts and literature. We prioritize collaboration and horizontal decision-making in our work towards being a responsive and sustainable organization. Our interdisciplinary program includes free readings, talks, performances, and reading groups, as well as sliding-scale writing workshops and intensives. We offer residencies designed to uplift artistic and scholarly research, archival and library projects, and independent publishing practices. Our multi-series publishing initiative includes artist’s books, poetic texts, and hybrid-genre works by time-based artists. Our non-circulating library holds a collection of over 3,000 titles, ranging from poetry and fiction, to criticism and art books. The library is open to the public five days per week.

About This Cause

After six years in our current location, we have the opportunity to move next door to a larger and brighter space that will better support our programming and community. Through this GoFundMe campaign, we want to share how far we’ve come and what this new space will mean for our future—a future you can help shape today. We’re a small, collectively-run organization, and the support of our community helps us do what we do. New York City becomes more expensive every day and there's a consequent dearth of DIY, community-oriented, and collectively run spaces. We're honored to have been keep Wendy's Subway running for this long. Even the smallest donation, or sharing this announcement with your friends, family, colleagues, etc. makes a difference! It’s rare for us to make a direct crowdfunding appeal, but we’re so wide-eyed and excited about all the potential of this new space and can’t wait to share it with you all. Over the past few years, Wendy’s Subway has grown significantly: we’ve transitioned from a volunteer-run group of five to our current staff of ten, all of whom are paid the same, equitable hourly wage. Our staff composition is majority BIPOC, and we prioritize supporting the work of artists, scholars, and activists who come from historically marginalized and underrepresented backgrounds. We practice horizontal decision-making, care deeply about one another, and work collaboratively across all our projects. We’ve worked hard to establish a unique organizational structure based on care, accountability, and friendship, and bring this ethos to all of our work. With this new space, we will continue to sustain and nurture our mission. We’re asking for your support as we relocate and continue to expand our library, carry out programming and publishing, and more.

379 Bushwick Avenue 379 Bushwick Ave
BROOKLYN, New York 11206-3713
United States
Unique Identifier 813036151