WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 20032-9319 United States

Mission Statement

To provide the mental intelligent community with the necessary resources to ensure that persons living with mental exposures, challenges, & diagnoses receive the proper help and support to improve their quality and standard of life.

About This Cause

M.I. Mother's Keeper, is a mental health advocacy non-profit formed in the District of Columbia and serving citizens throughout the D.M.V. area. Our programs are designed to not only raise mental health awareness but also to help find resources which will aid in helping to combat those social economical issues that are contributing to many of the families' that we serve, inability to stabilize, prosper, and recover mentally and otherwise. Our organization's objectives are to educate, empower, and equip the families that we serve across the D.M.V., with access to the necessary resources and outlets, in order that they can begin to improve their own patterns of behavior and become more accountable for their actions, improvements, and successes, thus improving their quality of living. Yesterday's approach to mental health we know primarily focused on the mental health individual's diagnosis, and not so much on preventative measures. We know also, that as a result of very recent research by S.A.M.H.S.A. and the National Institute of Mental Health(N.I.M.H.), that when we only focus on the diagnosis and not the entire wellness of the individual, we lose an opportunity to help them to extend their life. Research does support that many mental health citizens are dying sooner than should be the case. We approach mental health from a wellness standpoint in our programs. We also deal with the STIGMAs that keep so many from seeking help for fear that they will be labeled. If we can't especially help our women and families push through the stigma and stand up and ask for the necessary help that they need and also support them through their efforts to heal and recover, we leave the children exposed. If we are not able to offer the children alternatives to the same toxic environments that are contributing to the demise of their neighborhoods and families, then the children are left to continue in these very same unfortunate cycles & patterns of behavior and despair. M.I. Mother's Keeper appreciates our "Angel Donors" for you all help to keep us "mission" ready. We serve so many communities and individuals across the D.M.V. and the work and resources are never enough, however, we know the importance of continuing the work. We are a 501 (C)(3) federally registered organization. Your donations are tax deductible. We appreciate all donations, and especially those of a consistent and committed nature because it allows us to customize the various types of services and resources that we can provide from one family to the other. Many of the families we help are dealing with chronic unemployment, hunger, and border line poverty related circumstances all while trying to manage the onset and reality of having and needing comprehensive mental health care and services. Often, we find ourselves, providing transportation to job interviews, business attire to include shoes and hygiene items, phone service and devices, supplemental food to extend their pantry until the next influx of food stamps or food bank visits, in addition to resume' and job interview preparation. We also have many of our families facing housing crisis and homelessness. Our women's support group meet weekly in the communities where our programs are in place. In addition, our weekly community outreach virtual podcast series is centered around our mental health support group discussions and is housed on our subsidiary organizational website. (www.healthydcandme.org) We also have several programs, to include our "I.C.Y." (Inner City Youth) Golf Initiative, designed to help our youth to persevere and to talk about their emotions, suicide, and to help them learn positive ways to emote and be accountable for their behaviors, all while learning the game of golf and navigating its meticulous settings and guidelines. Additionally, we have implemented a door to door "Senior Wellness" campaign to aid in helping to keep an eye on our elders in the community whose mental health and viability also depend on access to proper resources and support. In June of 2019 we introduced our "Reading & Performing for Riches" program which is designed to get the communities excited about improving their literacy and other social skills, in exchange we will be rewarding various achievements in their successful reading and presentation of the stories and life lessons along the way. It's imperative that we help to improve the literacy rate among our mental health and homeless communities, in order that our citizens are empowered to improve their quality of living by increasing their opportunity to become employable and self-sufficient. Finally, our "Homeless No More, Silent No More" housing and mental health initiative is ongoing. Please join us in donating towards our efforts to create affordable and sustainable housing solutions for families of mental health and poverty. Research supports that over 40% of our homeless families also have mental health exposures and diagnoses. We intend to partner with mission aligned organizations and community investors to create housing alternatives and resources that will aid in helping us to eradicate homelessness. Our housing outreach and initiative aims to raise awareness for the need to stabilize citizen's housing as a preventative measure in safeguarding positive mental health outcomes. www.mimotherskeeper.com Donate Today! M.I. Mother's Keeper believes that it still takes a "village" to help our families of mental health exposures to get the proper help and care that is needed to assure that they too can live their best quality of life. We thank you for caring and invite you to check out our website at: www.mimotherskeeper.com for more wonderful information on our organization. More importantly please take a look at our "community news" page for insight into the various community events that we support and spearhead. We would love for you to join our movement. We would love to add you to our list of "Angel Donors". It is our goal to have a physical presence in every ward of the District of Columbia, and in multiple communities throughout the D.M.V. area. We advocate for our families of mental health and those living in marginalized areas because while some of them sleep in hallways, laundromats, cars, and often times with children in tow, many more spiral out of control due to various exposures to trauma, lack of proper mental care, resources, and many social economic realities that prove detrimental to their overall daily mental wellness. Our outreach helps us to connect these families with the proper resources to aid in their mental health exposures and to aid in their restoral of stable home environments and communities. "Thank you" Congresswoman Norton for not only validating our important work across the District of Columbia, but for also recognizing the importance of citizens receiving proper mental health and housing resources to help improve their overall quality of living. Raising the overall "consciousness" as you say, of our neighbors, fellow citizens, legislators, and the nation, requires that we all commit to having the discussions and supporting our mental health citizens and communities whole-heartedly! Mental Health Matters! Remove the Stigma & Get to Know the Person! M.I. Mother's Keeper, Mental Intelligence Advocates! M.I. is Me!

Po Box 54719
WASHINGTON, District of Columbia 20032-9319
United States
Phone 2402749436
Unique Identifier 813538822