StreetCode Academy

East Palo Alto, California, 94303 United States

Mission Statement

StreetCode Academy leverages an integrated curriculum that combines Computer Science with personal development and a community-based hacker space for underrepresented youth. We believe that the intersection of culture and technology does not just improve success rates for disadvantaged youth, but creates an entirely new generation of code-literate professionals that embody the diversity and authenticity needed to address today’s complex social, economic, and technological issues. StreetCode Academy hopes to become a model program that connects students’ learning with real world careers, fosters innovation in the tech field, and uplifts communities.

About This Cause

Our Mission: Equip a generation of underrepresented leaders with technology to hack, hustle, and design the future. The Need: There is a lack of access to high-tech training for youth and young adults in developing countries of the world, and consequently, a diversity deficit in the technology industry. Our Vision: StreetCode is a community-based ecosystem that prepares young people to powerfully impact the technology industry. * We empower individuals in a microclimate where their authentic selves can grow and learn. * We engage communities to make sure all voices are heard and diverse perspectives are cultivated. * We transform industry by creating technology that speaks to the needs, vitality and diversity of the world. Our Solution: Increase access to high-quality tech education by offering quarterly tech education classes ranging from basic computing to virtual reality. Who We Are: A community of educators, entrepreneurs, and industry experts working together to make technology an integral part of our most underserved communities. Why We Do It: Providing tech education grants the underrepresented youth access to economic opportunity. It transforms their lives and, in turn, revolutionizes the entire community. Our work matters because a diverse field of technology professionals rooted in their own cultural traditions and personal expression will be best qualified to design a future for everyone.

StreetCode Academy
Po Box 51867
East Palo Alto, California 94303
United States
Phone (650) 485-1413
Unique Identifier 814041822