OAKLAND PARK, Florida, 33311-1535 United States

Mission Statement

To consider the interests and welfare of Cornwall College and to contribute in any way possible to its repute and usefulness. The organization also aims to promote close association and foster goodwill among past students of Cornwall College.

About This Cause

CC88, Inc is an alumni organization with a charter to provide academic scholarships each school year to current students at Cornwall College high school. The alumni organization is registered as a 501c(3) organization in the state of Florida. CC88,Inc scholarships are academic and need based where applicants must satisfy the application criteria at the time an application is submitted. A selection criteria, which includes a demonstration of financial need, 3.0 GPA, 80% or greater prior year school term/exam reports, extra curricular involvement and good essay writing skills, are all considered when students are evaluated by the CC88 scholarship committee. Upon receiving a scholarship award, the student is enrolled in a mentorship program. Mentors are past students of the Cornwall College high school who volunteer their time to mentoring these students for a single school year. This mentorship program has been very successful with helping students focus on academics, avoid risky behaviors and overcome various challenges throughout the school year. Since 2016 CC88, Inc have awarded $20,000 to 27 students and welcome the contributions of individuals and organizations to support our cause. Interested parties should email us at for our prior year scholarship program or any other information about our organization.

1620 West Oakland Park Boulevard Law Offices Of Denzle G. Latty, P.a. Suite 400
OAKLAND PARK, Florida 33311-1535
United States
Unique Identifier 814757037