PORTLAND, Oregon, 97206-6267 United States

Mission Statement

Portland Drama Club is a nonprofit that teaches Portland's youth the power in themselves through play, practice, and performance.

About This Cause

It is our goal to provide a creative, safe space for children to have fun and gain confidence while learning the skills necessary to perform for an audience through theater. When kids train to put on a show they are learning life skills: Empathy. Team work. Patience. Listening. Focus. Hard work. Awareness. Confidence. Discipline. Personal responsibility. Body Control. Problem solving. Theater is social emotional learning in action! Skills needed for the theater are skills that they will carry throughout life. Whether it's the benefits of falling down and getting back up again (sometimes literally) or giving kids a voice when they might feel they don't have one; expanding world views through exposure to literature, music, and other cultures; connecting kids to their bodies through movement, feelings, and sound - the benefits of theater in a child's life are immeasurable. Portland Drama Club lets a child learn through performance right from the start. If you join the Club, you get a part. We learn by doing.

4207 Se Woodstock Blvd 307
PORTLAND, Oregon 97206-6267
United States
Phone 503-732-0085
Unique Identifier 820604573