BROOKLYN, New York, 11239-2410 United States

Mission Statement

Founded in 2017, Vocal Village Inc. is a grass-roots non-profit whose mission is to further the multicultural nature of opera through live performances, community engagement and school partnerships with innovative curriculum and cultural programming. With the support of civic-minded creative thinkers, Vocal Village seeks to empower marginalized communities through exploring and sharing the significant contributions made by artists of color to the art form of opera.

About This Cause

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Our community engagement programing aims to expose more of the general population to opera, historical and contemporary, its culture, traditions and forms. OPERA AND ARTS LEARNING Our educational programing contributes to the intellectual development of youth while inspiring students to gain an appreciation of opera’s rich history and culture by providing means for deeper and more frequent arts exposure.

1515 Pennsylvania Avenue Apt #14A
BROOKLYN, New York 11239-2410
United States
Unique Identifier 821638218