KANSAS CITY, Missouri, 64171-5443 United States

Mission Statement

Our mission is conservation of endangered American wolves, increasing public awareness about the threats to wolves and the benefit of wolves to the ecosystems on which we depend, and fostering coexistence between humans and wolves where they roam free.

About This Cause

American Wolf Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity. Our purposes are conservation of American wolves and other canids and their habitats, scientific research and public education. Our vision is to see all American wolf species thriving in the wild and coexisting with humans. Our primary focus is the critically-endangered American red wolf, which has fewer than 30 wolves in the wild.

Po Box 32443
KANSAS CITY, Missouri 64171-5443
United States
Phone 816-873-1787
Twitter @Wolf_Found
Unique Identifier 824814441