RPrime Foundation

Seattle, Washington, 98121 United States

Mission Statement

As individuals, communities, educational institutions, companies, organizations of all types, and even countries, we hereby declare that we wish to be in relationship with those who are different than us; we recognize that the depth of our relationships is determined by the degree of respect that exists between us; and we wish to be reconciled with those who claim a grievance against us. Our signature signifies that we feel a responsibility to one another and to future generations.

About This Cause

Building relationships start where communities overlap We identify, magnify, and build upon these community overlaps to deepen respect for others, especially toward those different from ourselves, so that we may together overcome bias, social strife, and unexpected crises, and share in humanity with those who interface directly with the thriving communities they serve.

RPrime Foundation
2001 6Th Ave Ste 1610
Seattle, Washington 98121
United States
Website Reactivate
Unique Identifier 830912960