Portland, Oregon, 97210 United States

Mission Statement

Bridge City Soccer Academy is a women-led, player-centered organization committed to developing and preserving the joy of the game for young female athletes. Through purposeful training, leadership development, and community engagement we strive to create a healthy environment for young women to grow as players and people.

About This Cause

Bridge City Soccer Academy uses the game of soccer as a vehicle to empower young women of all backgrounds to succeed as coaches, athletes and leaders in their communities. Funds raised will support our Academy programs, our Scholarship fund, and our Community Impact Program. BCSA's Community Impact Program creates a bridge for accessibility to the game for girls in underserved communities, giving them a safe place to play, learn, and lead. This includes both outreach from our players into the community, and inclusion of underserved communities in the Academy and other programs. We officially launched the Community Impact Program in 2022, holding free soccer clinics in the North Portland area, which provided 12 hours of soccer instruction to 257 kids aged 5-14, the vast majority of which had never played soccer before. We were also able to offer scholarships to 12 players in our Academy who come from low socio-economic backgrounds.

25 Nw 23Rd Place Pmb#410 Pmb#410
Portland, Oregon 97210
United States
Phone Rochelle Hearns
Unique Identifier 834332373