Saint John’s Lutheran Church

Fort Collins, Colorado, 80524-3705 United States

Mission Statement

Saint John’s Lutheran Church is a place of grace in the heart of Fort Collins, Colorado.

About This Cause

Saint John’s manages missions to the Fort Collins community and around the world. We operate a Food and Clothing Bank to directly serve the physical needs of those in need in our community. Our Human Needs board actively seeks out and engages the congregation in projects to address a number of other needs, from work with homeless families from a nearby elementary school to putting together care packages to be sent around the world. The Heseders are Saint John’s mission group, who plan and carry out construction, medical and relief work around the nation and world. These teams have traveled to places like New Orleans, the Wind River Reservation, Haiti, Peru, Uganda and Madagascar.

Saint John’s Lutheran Church
305 E Elizabeth St
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524-3705
United States
Phone 970-482-5316
Twitter @stjohnsfc
Unique Identifier 840450786