LYONS, Colorado, 80540-1201 United States

Mission Statement

To promote, aid, encourage and enhance the development of all Lyons Middle Senior High School students through support of classroom and extra curricular activities including: academics, fine arts, athletics, social development and leadership.

About This Cause

Lyons Lions Booster Club, Inc. of Lyons CO-- Our organization has been supporting Lyons Middle Senior High School for decades facilitated by dedicated parents of current students. We have been able to help purchase educational aides including computers, classroom materials, books, trophy cases, chairs for the cafetorium, library furniture, classroom document cameras, and much more. We have also helped to fund student activities: field trips, student led clubs, prom, after-prom, parent enrichment classes between the elementary school and LMSHS, and more Our Fine Arts contributions have included uniforms, band instruments, choir accompanist, risers, computer assessment aides, choir dresses, drama props, and more. We also support our many sports: baseball, softball, track, cross country, football, volleyball, basketball, cheer and wrestling. We support the purchase of uniforms, field supplies, transportation costs, lodging, equipment, summer camps and much more. We support our community by sponsoring a free Community BBQ held at the first football game of the season in Lyons. Not only does the community and visitors get to experience LMSHS but we get to say thank you to everyone for their continued support and dedication to such a great school! Not only are we able to financially support these very worthwhile opportunities for our students/staff/school, we also spend countless hours of time to fund raise for Lions Booster Club through various activities. We have awesome kids, teachers and staff and parents!!!

Po Box 1201 100 Mcconnell Drive
LYONS, Colorado 80540-1201
United States
Phone 303.823.6631
Unique Identifier 841131576