Silver Spring, Maryland, 20906 United States

Mission Statement

AfriThrive's mission is to build vibrant and thriving Black immigrant and minority families through increased access to culturally appropriate nutritious foods, youth skills development and economic opportunity.

About This Cause

Since 2019, AfriThrive has sought to craft and implement effective and sustainable solutions that address the root causes of hunger and poverty among underserved children, youth, and adults in the Greater Washington DC region. Our programs are designed to disrupt the cycle of spending trade-offs between food and other critical necessities that perpetuate food insecurity. By taking an integrated and holistic approach to pair food with other critical social determinants of health interventions, AfriThrive seeks to increase family stability.

14030 Connecticut Avenue Suite#6093 1 Tivoli Lake Ct
Silver Spring, Maryland 20906
United States
Phone 2407061517
Twitter @afrithrive
Unique Identifier 842431077