Palo Alto Students Foundation

Palo Alto, California, 94303 United States

Mission Statement

Our mission is to give the students a sense of community, build strong connections through learning and working together, and motivate everyone in the community to support and serve one another. We achieve our big goal by carrying out small activities and keep it up on a daily basis. We achieve our big goal by serving our neighbors at our doorsteps to motivate others and spark passion that goes further along to make our world a better place.

About This Cause

The Palo Alto Students Foundation is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization established in July 2020 by Michelle Pan, a then-9th grader from Paly. It's now run by a group of high school students who share the same passion of serving our local community. We organize kids in the neighborhood to learn and grow, while also having fun and building lasting friendships through book clubs and summer camps. We motivate high school students to teach and support younger students by working as camps leaders, making academic presentations and running talent shows. We have inspired adults to serve our students via our special events of career talks. We also run school supply drives and donate them to schools in need. We have a creative team. New activities will be added from time to time.

Palo Alto Students Foundation
3248 Morris Dr
Palo Alto, California 94303
United States
Unique Identifier 852262824