Visionary Education Foundation

Palo Alto, California, 94306 United States

Mission Statement

With innovative approaches and rich mentorship resources, we help outstanding Chinese students to overcome social and economic challenges and grow into future leaders. 远见教育基金会以先进的运营理念与导师资源,助力抱负不凡的优秀青年跨越经济挑战,成长为未来领袖。

About This Cause

We believe in humanistic values and the power of youth. We believe that the world will be in a better place if fewer aspiring young people struggle with social and economic constraints. We leverage the power of innovation and rich resources available in our communities to support this vision. Visionary Education Foundation was founded on this belief. It is committed to helping outstanding students in higher education institutes overcome social and economic challenges and grow into future leaders. Through the Visionary Scholarship Program, the foundation provides student grants, rich mentorship programs, and a wide range of resources to these aspiring young people. Visit for more information. 我们相信梦想和坚持的力量、相信人文精神的价值、相信如果每一个有志青年都不必因局促而苟且,世界将更美好。 远见教育基金会凭借其具有全球视野的导师网络为获奖者提供长期的人文关怀与辅助指导,并为在国内高校就读的、经济上遇到挑战的获得者提供每年 ¥8000 的奖学金,帮助优秀青年实现人生理想。我们力图确保这些青年获得更广泛的资源、机遇、指导和人文关怀,以实现其人生理想、为社会进步做出贡献,并为教育平等事业添砖加瓦。 一位受远见资助的学子感慨到:“我觉得获得远见奖学金是我上大学最珍贵的礼物。根据作用,它给我的帮助可以定为三分物质,七分精神。不同于一般的奖学金,远见奖学金独特之处在于,它极具人文关怀。不仅根据学生特点配对一对一导师,还设有周期性的分享会和远见论坛。让我们能够近距离和导师交流,这极大地开拓我们眼界,能学到很多东西。我很喜欢远见的分享会,老师的每一句话我觉得都能受益匪浅,同学们的疑问和思考也能给我许多启发。远见是一个充满力量的大家庭,我相信我和其他学子都能在它的羽翼下茁壮成长。” 更多远见故事,请见

Visionary Education Foundation
1769 Park Blvd.
Palo Alto, California 94306
United States
Phone 6504506311
Unique Identifier 852299813