Osmiini Bee Foundation

Washington, District of Columbia, 20013 United States

Mission Statement

The mission of the Osmiini Bee Foundation is to acquire, provide, and conserve beneficial habitats for the wild bee population.

About This Cause

Twenty thousand. That is the estimated number of bee species in the world—their size ranges from 2 to 39 millimeters long. Some are social, like the well-known honeybees, and some are less known, like the solitary mason bees. And then there are some that can deliver an unforgettable sting to those that are stingless. The lifespan of a bee depends on what type it is. Its longevity could be as short as six weeks or as long as several years like that of the queen honeybee. Except for the Arctic and Antarctica, they could live in various habitats in many parts of the world. Bees survive on nectar and pollen. As a by-product of their method of survival, they pollinate flowers and plants that contribute to our food supply. Despite playing a significant role in our food resources, the bee's existence is at risk. Chemicals meant to kill undesirable bugs also impact the bees because they, too, are bugs. Urbanization destroys their habitat and reduces their food sources. Climate change impacts their life cycle. Bees not only play an essential role in our food supply, natural environments, and health, they also provide CHEFSS in our world: - Community - Health and well-being - Education - Food Security - Sustainability - Social responsibility The Osmiini Bee Foundation seeks to acquire, provide, and conserve beneficial habitats for the wild bee population. The habitats provide safe foraging areas for the bees and serve the surrounding community by providing a gathering place for neighbors, food for the local food bank, and education to the public to adopt chemical-free and sustainable gardening practices. Please support the wild bee population by making a tax-deductible donation to the Osmiini Bee Foundation. Together—we can help protect the bees.

Osmiini Bee Foundation
2 Massachusetts Ave Ne, #1896
Washington, District of Columbia 20013
United States
Phone (865) 888 - 0295
Unique Identifier 853933571