Silicon Valley Knight Scouts

cupertino, California, 95014 United States

Mission Statement

The primary mission is to promote and support Boy Scouts and other youth programs in the local community.

About This Cause

Silicon Valley Knight Scouts is a non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The primary mission is to promote and support Boy Scouts and other youth programs in the local community. Examples of programs and activities that our organization had or in the progress of supporting are: • Support for Scouts high adventure camps / summer camps. • Support for camping, hiking, and various outdoor activities for youths. • Other activities and programs that promote Scout’s Oath and Scout Law, such as: o Volunteer hours to provide face shield for hospital.

Silicon Valley Knight Scouts
1141 Derbyshire Drive
cupertino, California 95014
United States
Phone 4084099804
Unique Identifier 861199751